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Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)


Excellent research is only possible with motivated and high-performing employees. Therefore, our institutes’ philosophy is to offer optimal working conditions and room for personal development. In 2023, we successfully applied again for the "HR Excellence in Research" Award of the European Commission - a sign that it is important to us to create an ideal working environment for excellent research.

We view ourselves as the leading national institution in the field of Plasma science and technology by comprehensively combining basics and applications. Consolidating our role as competence centre is only possible with high-performing and qualified employees. They are the most invaluable asset of any enterprise. A statement, which by now is not only true for the service and industry sector but also broadly accepted in the world of science.

Our human resources policy ensures our scientific and scientific-supporting personnel are being prepared for the current and upcoming requirements of our institute. The INP therefore supports the “European Charta for Researchers” and the associated “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers“ (short: Charta & Code). The therein-included principles design a motivating working environment for all researchers and result in fair and transparent recruitment processes in European research institutions.

The INP pursuits the principles set in the European Charta and Code. We have analysed our present internal state of implementation and developed an action plan based on this analysis. The action plan is regularly reviewed, adapted to developments and revised.