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Environmentally friendly and cost-effective electrolysers thanks to new MEA: up to 95 percent less iridium, no PFAS

Greifswald, 9 July 2024 - A membrane electrode assembly (MEA) developed at the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) in Greifswald, Germany can save up to 95 percent of the rare metal iridium in electrolysers. The technology also eliminates the use of per- and polyfluorinated chemicals (PFAS), making it more environmentally friendly. The innovative product solution convinced the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action to provide financial support for the establishment of a company to further develop and market the new process.

In the future, climate-neutral hydrogen will cover the energy needs of industry and serve as a storage medium for electricity from solar and wind power plants. Hydrogen production requires electrolysers that split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Electrolysers use iridium, one of the rarest natural elements, which results in high costs. Given the massive increase in demand, the German Mineral Resources Agency anticipates a supply risk and considers a significant increase in iridium production unlikely.

Additionally, PFAS chemicals are used in commercially available electrolysers. These substances, known as persistent chemicals, accumulate in nature and in living organisms and are considered a major health risk. The EU is currently negotiating far-reaching PFAS bans and industry is urgently seeking alternatives.

Cost and environmental benefits from innovative membrane electrode assembly

"Plasma technology has enabled us to create a new type of membrane electrode assembly for electrolysers. This means that up to 95 percent of the precious metals iridium and platinum can be saved during production. This is a decisive cost advantage and, in view of the scarcity of iridium, helps to scale up green hydrogen production," explains Dr Gustav Sievers, Managing Director of the new spin-off elementarhy of the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology. "We also test our MEAs before delivery. Until now, faulty MEAs could only be detected during assembly, which is very labour-intensive. Another big advantage is that we are already working without PFAS in the key component, the catalyst layer. The PFAS-free coating of our MEAs makes the systems much more environmentally friendly.”

Sievers developed the process together with an international team of researchers at the INP. To produce the membrane electrode assembly, they use a combined process of plasma technology and electrochemistry based on a patented electrocatalyst for coating. This not only significantly reduces the amount of raw materials required, but also increases durability.

The membrane electrode assembly is the central element of a water electrolyser based on proton exchange membranes. The semi-permeable membrane is surrounded by water. When an electrical voltage is applied to the membrane electrode assembly, water is split and protons migrate across the membrane. Hydrogen is produced at the negatively charged cathode and oxygen at the positively charged anode.

Spin-off from INP: elementarhy achieves first successes

To market the new electrolysis technology, Dr Gustav Sievers, Arne Birth, Dr Martin Rohloff, Dr Zahra Nasri and André Pacheco founded elementarhy GmbH on 15 May 2024. With small-scale industrial production, the team has already received its first orders and delivered customised membrane electrode assemblies. The innovative technology is to be scaled up in further projects with electrolyser manufacturers and hydrogen producers.

Prof Dr Klaus-Dieter Weltmann, Chairman of the Board and Scientific Director at INP, comments: "At INP we develop innovative solutions for socially and economically important technologies. If we are convinced of the commercial potential of the discoveries, we support our researchers in setting up their companies. The spectrum of our six spin-offs so far ranges from medical products to measurement systems. I wish the elementarhy team every success with their innovative technology.”

Support programmes for young entrepreneurs

Since 1998, the German government has been supporting spin-offs from scientific institutions through the EXIST programme. The programme, run by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, is co-funded by the European Social Fund. According to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the EXIST research transfer funding programme supports "outstanding research-based start-up projects that involve complex and high-risk development work". The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Actions funding for elementarhy amounts to a total of €1.2 million, of which the INP will contribute ten percent. The funding started in April 2023 and will run for two years.

The young company received further recognition and funding of €50,000 when it was awarded the Leibniz Founder Prize 2024. The elementarhy team is now using this start-up funding to drive forward the development of market-ready production systems and the commercialisation of the new technology.

Funding information

The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the European Social Fund as part of the EXIST programme under the funding code 03EFVMV031.


elementarhy GmbH


Phone: +49 151 2366 7213

Further information

Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) 

Stefan Gerhardt // Communications Department

Phone: +49 3834 554 3903 // stefan.gerhardtinp-greifswaldde

Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 2 // 17489 Greifswald //


Plasma in storage protection: How pests and mold are controlled in a real-life silo

Neubrandenburg – June 11, 2024

Great confidence in the work of Neubrandenburg researchers: The Ministry of Education and Research has given the green light to another flagship project of 'PHYSICS FOR FOOD – EINE REGION DENKT UM!‘ With funding of around 200,000 euros, the researchers are currently continuing to work on improving the storage protection of our grain harvests – especially on a scale that could be of interest to users. Plasma is used to treat grain in a silo to combat pests such as the grain weevil and fungal spores.

The need is huge: the use of chemical pesticides to control pests and fungal spores is gradually being restricted and banned, as it is throughout the agricultural and food industry. For some areas of application, there are as yet no available alternatives, for example for the use of toxic hydrogen phosphide before grain exports or for organic farming. However, extreme weather conditions such as heat, drought and flooding are currently on the increase, as are crop losses and pest and mold infestations. The PHYSICS FOR FOOD alliance, which was initiated with the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) in Greifswald and other business partners in the region, is researching environmentally friendly physical methods in order to find an environmentally conscious answer to the challenges of the future.

For the new lead project BIG STORAGE, led by Florian Wald from the Center for Nutrition and Food Technology (ZELT) gGmbH, the researchers from Neubrandenburg are making use of the fundamental findings from the PHYSICS FOR FOOD & FEED lead project: they have shown that grain weevils and fungal spores can be controlled using cold atmospheric plasma in a demonstrator silo that was put into operation around one and a half years ago. The silo initially used had a capacity of around 2 tons. "The granary weevil and other pest species were initially inactivated in the silo and later completely controlled. We were also able to observe a steady decrease in the contamination of fungal spores. According to these results, the grain can therefore be stored for longer and storage fungi can potentially be controlled," says Florian Wald, explaining the results of the trials.

In BIG STORAGE, the name says it all. At a regional, organic feed producer, the new goal is to treat a silo chamber with 47 cubic meters (around 30 tons of grain) with plasma and demonstrate its benefits. The plasma air enters the chamber through a special device that will be completed in 2024. This means that ambient air is activated with plasma by the device and then fed into the silo chamber. The highlight: "From research to practice: this new project supports our approach of researching and supporting new pesticide-free technologies and processes and reinforcing their transfer to industry. This is also an important signal for users," says Florian Wald, looking ahead.


The Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) and commercial enterprises launched the 'PHYSICS FOR FOOD - A REGION THINKS AROUND' project in 2018. Since then, the alliance has been working with numerous other partners to develop new physical technologies for agriculture and food processing. Atmospheric pressure plasma, pulsed electric fields and UV light are used. 

The aim is to optimize agricultural raw materials and reduce pollutants in food production, reduce chemical seed dressings and strengthen plants against the consequences of climate change. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the 'WIR! - Wandel durch Innovation in der Region' initiative (funding reference 03WIR2810).

Further information is available at:


Paulina Druse, Public Relations PHYSICS FOR FOOD
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP)
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 2, 17489 Greifswald
Tel: +49 170 2600543, e-mail: paulina.druseinp-greifswaldde

Innovative deep-sea analysis protects the environment: double-pulse LIBS technology

Illustration of a diving robot that uses laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIBS) to analyse materials in the deep sea in an environmentally friendly way. Illustration: INP

Greifswald, 21 May 2024

The seabed contains large quantities of valuable minerals and metals that are urgently needed for modern technologies such as electric cars and wind turbines. However, discovering these deposits has so far been complicated: Diving robots use grippers to take samples, which are then analysed on board of a research vessel. An innovative method is now opening up new possibilities for more environmentally friendly exploration of our oceans.

With laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIBS) using double-pulse lasers, the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) has developed a method for the environmentally friendly analysis of materials at a depth of 6,000 metres below sea level. Together with the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) in Greifswald, the fundamental process behaviour was investigated as part of a DFG project. The method provides precise elemental analysis in real time and replaces time-consuming sampling of the seafloor.

The double-pulse technique uses two laser pulses: the first pulse creates a cavity in the water at the surface of the material, while the second pulse evaporates material from the surface and creates a plasma containing the elements for spectroscopic analysis. The problem is the high pressure underwater, which makes it difficult to generate meaningful spectra for accurate analysis.

Optimised for deep sea use

The current research focuses on analysing materials at pressures of up to 600 bar, such as those found 6,000 metres below the surface, and using laser pulses with energies of up to 150 millijoules. By adjusting the laser parameters, the team was able to optimise the measurements for the high pressure of the deep sea. The short delays of 0.5 microseconds between the laser pulses and the precise adjustment of the start times of the spectrometer measurements are crucial for the quality of the data obtained.

The research has been published in the journal Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy (DOI:10.1016/j.sab.2024.106877). The project was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the project number 454848899.


Further information
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology e.V. (INP)
Stefan Gerhardt // Communication Department
Phone: +49 3834 554 3903 // stefan.gerhardtinp-greifswaldde
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 2 // 17489 Greifswald //

Flying high with plasma: researchers focus on sustainable agriculture in urban areas

Vertical farming project expands successful alliance

Greifswald, May 14, 2024

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is a nationwide pioneer: The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has approved more than 520,000 euros in funding for another PHYSICS FOR FOOD flagship project for the use of plasma technologies in vertical farming.

With the launch of this new flagship project "Physics for Sustainable Vertical Farming", the PHYSICS FOR FOOD alliance is opening up further capital:

With the world's population constantly growing - according to the United Nations, the number has almost doubled since 1980 and currently stands at over 8 billion people - the demand for food and arable land is increasing. By 2030, as many as 60 percent of people are expected to live in cities, and the trend is rising. At the same time, extreme weather conditions such as heat, droughts and floods are on the rise, making agricultural work more difficult and jeopardizing harvests. In addition, there are regulations that more strictly regulate or even prohibit the use of chemical pesticides. As a result, new cultivation methods such as vertical farming are becoming increasingly important. In such systems, plants can be grown under controlled conditions and in a small space. However, there are still various challenges to be overcome in the further development of the systems in terms of maintaining plant health and conserving resources, for which plasma technologies can offer a solution.

"Physics for Sustainable Vertical Farming" - under the direction of Prof. Dr. Jürgen F. Kolb from the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science & Technology (INP) in Greifswald - explicitly bundles the findings and results from the ongoing lead projects of the PHYSICS FOR FOOD alliance, which Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences has launched with the INP and business partners in a total of seven lead projects. The aim is to reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture and agricultural production processes, thereby reducing the impact on the environment. The innovative methods are about more physics in climate and environmental protection.

In the new lead project, the researchers are working with plasma processes that are to be used for seeds, for the plants themselves and for water cycle management. 

"The use of plasma-treated seeds can ensure healthy and germinable seeds that provide healthy plant growth without additional pesticides. Plant growth can be supported by plasma-treated water, whereby effects already found for plant stimulation and nutrient supply are also used," explains Prof. Dr. Jürgen F. Kolb from INP. "System hygiene is also possible without biocides in an integrated water treatment. This also reduces the need for fresh water," he adds.

The advantages of treating water using plasma treatment are key results of the lead project "Physics for Environment" and "Physics & Ecology", in which water treatment using plasma effectively breaks down impurities, but also binds nitrogen from the air in the water and makes it available for nutrient supply. Overall, this prevents infection with plant diseases, reduces the need for additional fertilizer and offers the possibility of sustainable, resource-saving recycling for irrigation. 

The vertical farming approach allows cultivation independent of external conditions, which expands the experimental possibilities of the alliance. Several cultivation cycles can be realized within one year. Field trials, on the other hand, are limited to a single harvest and are subject to the prevailing conditions (weather, rainfall) in a given cultivation year. In contrast, environmental conditions can be controlled and adjusted in vertical cultivation systems and stress conditions can either be avoided or specifically investigated.

For this new flagship project, a 40-foot shipping container - a realistic size for transfer to the application - is being used to house a complex plant system that extends over 4 floors. Initially, rocket and basil are to be grown, although each floor can be operated independently of the others. This allows many times more results to be generated and faster solutions to be realized.  


The Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) and commercial enterprises launched the 'PHYSICS FOR FOOD - A REGION THINKS AROUND' project in 2018. Since then, the alliance has been working with numerous other partners to develop new physical technologies for agriculture and food processing. Atmospheric pressure plasma, pulsed electric fields and UV light are used. 

The aim is to optimize agricultural raw materials and reduce pollutants in food production, reduce chemical agents in seed protection and strengthen plants against the consequences of climate change. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the 'WIR! - Wandel durch Innovation in der Region' initiative (funding reference 03WIR2810).

Further information and videos are available at:


Paulina Druse
Public Relations PHYSICS FOR FOOD
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology e.V. (INP)
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 2, 17489 Greifswald
Tel: +49 170 2600543, e-mail: paulina.druseinp-greifswaldde

Millions in funding for plasma research in agriculture and food production

Greifswald, 29 April 2024

The Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) is strengthening its research in the fields of agriculture, bioeconomy and the environment with millions of euros in funding from the German federal government and the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The funds will be used for personnel, technical equipment and three new professorships at the Universities of Greifswald and Rostock and the University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg. The INP, based in Greifswald, is Europe's largest non-university research institute in the field of low-temperature plasma physics.

Over the next few years, the INP will receive additional research funding from the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of a so-called "small strategic special act". "The funding will enable us to establish an internationally leading location in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the field of plasma technologies for agriculture, food production and biogenic residues," explains Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Weltmann, Chairman of the Board and Scientific Director of the INP. "We focus on the development of environmentally friendly technologies that not only enrich research and teaching, but also create future-oriented jobs".

Plasma technology: the key to sustainable solutions

Plasma technology can be found in many everyday products, from smartphones to cars. In addition to basic research, the INP also conducts application-oriented research that leads to patents and company start-ups to bring new technologies to the market. In the field of medical applications, such as wound healing, the INP has already established an internationally recognised research cluster in north-east Germany, from which several companies have emerged.

In agriculture, research at the INP also shows considerable potential for plasma applications. For example, the treatment of seeds with plasma makes it possible to remove harmful micro-organisms. This makes it possible to dispense with chemical seed treatments, thus protecting the environment. Research is also underway into the use of plasma-treated water to stimulate plant metabolism and increase resistance to drought and heat. Plasma technology is also proving its worth in food production, extending the shelf life of products without the need for chemical preservatives. In addition, plasma treatment of biomass in biogas plants improves yields, and plasma synthesis enables the production of green fuels from the carbon dioxide produced. Plasma technology has also been shown to deliver gentler and more effective results than conventional methods in the extraction of pharmaceutical raw materials from algae and botanicals.

Focus on scientific training

The training of young scientists is a key success factor for the establishment of new research topics. To this end, the INP is planning three new professorships in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Together with the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, a professorship for plasma food processing is to be filled in 2024. The process to establish a junior professorship in plasma agricultural technology at the University of Rostock will also begin in 2024. Together with the University of Greifswald, a junior professorship in plasma agronomy is planned for 2025. "These new professorships are essential to increase the momentum in our research areas and to make a sustainable scientific and economic contribution to north-east Germany," explains Weltmann.

More staff and better equipment

Thanks to funding from the federal and state governments, up to twelve additional specialist positions can be filled at the INP. For its research, the INP uses specially equipped laboratories that have been rented in the newly opened Z4 - Centre for Life Sciences and Plasma Technology in Greifswald. Extensive experiments with plants and micro-organisms are possible here. "With the new human, technical and spatial resources, we can intensively promote the use of plasma technology in agriculture and food production. I am convinced that this will make a significant contribution to environmental protection," adds Weltmann.


For further information
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP)
Stefan Gerhardt // Communications Department
Phone: +49 3834 554 3903 // stefan.gerhardtinp-greifswaldde
Felix-Hausdorff-Strasse 2 // 17489 Greifswald //

New plasma printing technology from INP receives DATIpilot funding

Greifswald, 16 April 2024

A new plasma printing technology from the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) in Greifswald, Germany enables the precise modification of surfaces at extremely small scale. INP researcher Laura Barillas-Mora has received funding for the further development of the plasma source that is used in the system, from the DATIpilot innovation programme of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

The new plasma printing process enables materials such as metals, polymers, fibres and paper to be coated with thin layers, with a feature size as small as 40 micrometres - about the thickness of a human hair. The properties of these layers can be precisely tailored, for example in terms of their thickness or chemical composition. Moreover, the new plasma printing process can realise diverse operations, including surface activation, functionalisation, chemical structuring, fine cleaning and the removal of layers. This opens up a wide range of potential applications, including in medical technology, biochips, electronics, materials development, optics, photonics, and MEMS (microelectromechanical systems).

The technology developed at INP offers numerous advantages. The direct application of layers without the use of masks or templates saves time and simplifies production processes. This is particularly important in areas such as microfabrication, life sciences and printed electronics. The technology is also more environmentally friendly, using significantly less energy and materials than conventional methods.

Funding for an industrial prototype

"Our plasma printing technology makes it possible to precisely modify surfaces without masks. This allows companies to optimise their production processes and work in a more environmentally friendly way," explains Laura Barillas-Mora, a researcher at INP. "Thanks to the DATIpilot funding, we can now further develop the heart of the technology: the micro atmospheric pressure plasma source, which has been successfully tested in the laboratory, into an industrial prototype".

The project to be funded at the INP is called “Mikro-APPS: Development and Transfer of a Micro Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Source”. As part of the DATIpilot programme, the BMBF is funding an "innovation sprint". With a budget of €150,000 and a duration of 18 months, the first industrial prototype and further testing and validation of the plasma source can now be carried out at the INP. Laura Barillas-Mora, project manager at INP, explains: "Our focus is now on developing an industrial design, particularly in the area of user interface, electronic control and required certifications. We are also looking for industrial partners to test and use our plasma source and plasma printing systems in industrial environments.”

Laura Barillas-Mora is planning a spin-off from INP to commercialise the technology. Under the name MicroQuasar Technologies, the plasma printing process will enable more environmentally friendly production processes in a wide range of areas in the future, as well as the possibility to use the plasma source for other applications beyond surface treatment. 

About DATIpilot

In July 2023, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) published the DATIpilot funding programme, consisting of two modules: Innovation Sprints (Module 1) and Innovation Communities (Module 2). The DATIpilot aims to simplify and accelerate funding processes. Additionally, it serves as a field for experimentation and provides learnings and ideas for the German Agency for Transfer and Innovation (DATI), which is currently being set up.

A total of 300 Innovation Sprints are being funded. At the DATIpilot roadshow between November 2023 and February 2024, nearly 600 projects presented their ideas in five-minute pitches. At each of the 23 events, the participants themselves peer-voted which projects should receive funding. In this way, 153 Innovation Sprints have been funded. For all the other participants, there was a second chance in the lottery, where a further 147 projects were drawn.

The projects address a wide range of topics: The focus is on AI/machine learning, medical technology/pharmaceuticals and healthcare and social services. Around 20 percent of the projects focus on social innovations.


Further information
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP)
Stefan Gerhardt // Communication Department
Phone: +49 3834 554 3903 // stefan.gerhardtinp-greifswaldde
Felix-Hausdorff-Strasse 2 // 17489 Greifswald //

INP develops environmentally friendly alternative to PFAS-based coatings

Greifswald, February 20, 2024

The Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) in Greifswald, Germany has developed a new method for the production of ultra-hydrophobic organosilicon polymer coatings. These coatings are an alternative to per- and polyfluorinated compounds (PFAS), which are still used in many industrial applications and sectors.

PFAS compounds have been used for decades to enhance a wide range of products, including those in the medical, semiconductor and textile industries. They are extremely water-repellent and therefore have a number of advantages, such as good non-stick properties and high chemical resistance. However, due to their high stability, PFAS compounds can accumulate in the environment and in living organisms, which is why they are also known as "eternal chemicals". They are therefore considered harmful to the environment and human health and have been banned in some applications in the EU since 2006.

All perfluorinated and polyfluorinated compounds are expected to be included in the global ban list of the Stockholm Convention by 2025 at the latest. This poses an enormous challenge to future high-tech industries such as medical and semiconductor, which rely on these established ultra-hydrophobic coatings.

The organosilicon polymer coating recently developed by INP is based on plasma technology and is a promising and environmentally friendly alternative to PFAS-containing coatings. It is mechanically and chemically stable, up to 200 nm thick and opaque, storable, washable and reproducible. The coatings can be applied to many materials, including metals, plastics and semiconductors.

These properties, together with the fact that they can be applied to thermolabile plastics, make organosilicon polymer coatings ideal for medical device finishing. For example, it can be used in the manufacture or surface modification of implantable devices such as pacemakers or artificial joints.

The INP is currently working on transferring the low-pressure process for depositing the organosilicon polymer layer to a normal pressure process. Concepts for scaling up the technology are also being developed.

"We are very pleased with the results of our research," says Dr Frank Hempel, Head of the Plasma Surface Technology Department at INP. "The organosilicon polymer layer is a promising alternative to PFAS-containing layers and offers a wide range of possibilities for applications in various industrial sectors."

Further information
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology e.V. (INP) 
Stefan Gerhardt // Communication Department
Phone: +49 3834 554 3903 // stefan.gerhardtinp-greifswaldde
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 2 // 17489 Greifswald //


Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 2
17489 Greifswald

Stefan Gerhardt

Tel.: +49 3834 - 554 3903
Fax: +49 3834 - 554 301
