Knowledge and Technology Transfer
You can find our technology offerings here:
The institute's motto – FROM IDEA TO PROTOTYPE – outlines both the statutory mission to conduct application-oriented basic research and the utilization of research results. The INP carries out projects from public research funding to increase the knowledge for socially relevant topics. The results of these projects are continuously published by the institute in peer-reviewed journals, at national and international conferences and at events for the general public.
For application-relevant topics of economic interest, INP contributes his knowledge in terms of a service provider for customer solutions. These mostly bilateral industrial projects help our business partners to benefit directly from the most recent knowledge of the research at INP. As the first institute of the Leibniz Association at all, INP founded for its technology transfer its own firm: neoplas GmbH ( It acts as a second part of the three-step model developed by the institute. According to the motto "From Prototype to Product", later pilot customers are involved in the development work, for example. If certain utilization activities have proved to be economically viable, they can lead to further spin-offs. Knowledge, which is economically exploitable and shall initially not be offered as costumer solution, could be developed up to market readiness in a new spin-off that way: "From Product to Market".
Further information regarding scientific services, equipment, methods, qualifications, technologies and patents of the INP could be found at the Leibniz Transfer Portal: (in german).
The Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology also uses licensing and possibly the sale of intellectual property (IP) to transfer its innovations and know-how to industry and society.
The INP protects potentially innovative and patentable technologies for the future through patents and utility models. Patents and utility models are industrial property rights for inventions. The owners of granted industrial property rights are entitled to prohibit third parties from using the protected technology for a certain period of time. This period is ten years for utility models and as long as 20 years for patents.
You can find our technology offerings here: